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  • 发电站剧院
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    • travellerjanelle 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      在新农场公园(New Farm Park)。在这里和朋友好好吃顿饭、开瓶好酒或者喝点咖啡,感觉非常好,能看到整条河。还有超棒的表演。到附近的汽车公园(carpark)走走,穿过仿造沙特尔大教堂(Chartres Cathedral labyrinth)的建筑,感觉不错!
    • MM499 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

    • Deessert 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      我到Powerhouse参加一个摄影课程,还要再来。很值得继续学!最近有摄影展览喔!还有酒吧区。旁边有剧院,还有另外的区域现场演奏音乐。布里斯班河(Brisbane River)的一切都很漂亮。我居然还看到一场婚礼!好爱涂鸦墙。氛围很好。
    • dingobreakfast 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

    • en2mup 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      powerhouse 經常會有不同活動及表演,此住宅區屬高價位住宅區因此除少數觀光客外大多是當地附近居民為主。非常悠閒的地方,很適合拍照。旁邊即是new farm公園,很愜意的地點,會定期有賞花季活動,以及狗狗專用的園區。旁邊緊鄰布里斯班河,非常適合散步吹風享受與市區及其他景點不同的愜意。
    • Raepascoe 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Went to the Powerhouse tonight for the first time to watch some of the Brisbane Comedy Festival. What a fantastic venue with a great atmosphere. The cocktails and jugs available were really good and the staff were friendly.
    • 580SeanW 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      if you are one who appreciates the off beat and the counter culture, this be the place for thee. It is different and concentrates on the gay side of life and ultra hip art and that sort of thing.A great bar with a brilliant view of the Brisbane River, but the place is expensive, oh yes, its expensive
    • 409katee 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Excellent spaces to watch shows, hold functions and meet friends. The Visy theatre is an intimate space that I've attended on several occasions at the Brisbane Comedy Festival. It's a gorgeous little intimate space that they can do a lot with. Semi-circle audience.The Powerhouse Theatre is a great big space that I've watched several shows including a booming performance by Henry Rollins, a fantastic evening of rock and roll from Dan Sultan that easily reached all the way to the back of the theatre, and the comedy Gala which seemed great to view from all locations in the audience (I was towards the back on the side). The space under the powerhouse (I believe it's a gallery of sorts) was transformed into a cute intimate space to view comedy shows a few years ago that I really enjoyed.The Turbine Platform hosts a lot of free music, comedy and the occasional wedding ceremony. Very easy to access with a lot of great atmosphere. The walls are covered in history, from graffiti from a time gone by (when the building was an actual powerhouse a long time ago) to beautiful works of art that now adorn the walls.The national press photo tour looked fabulous one year on these walls, a really great mix of artworks that used every single wall of the building. Absolutely fantastic. I could go on, and on, and on about this place. So much work goes into making every single show and event a success. Great for anyone from 10 years old to 100 years old. And there's even the occasional petting zoo for the tiny kids.
    • MonteH271 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I keep going back to the Powerhouse for the great variety of entertainment. Comedy, music, theatre and some shows that defy description. Great atmosphere and two great restaurants as well.
    • 266melissah 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This location really has something for everybody. Check out the list of events they have including free live music and free comedy shows, art gallery and theatre. There is a park nearby for the kids to enjoy, the waterfront is great for a stroll and a series of bars and restaurant choices. Anytime of day or night.
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