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wilpena pound

  • 景点介绍
  • wilpena pound
  • 景点印象
    • sagreatdan 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Well worth the trip amazing scenary the native pines and rocky out crops were a highlight for me. A abundance of wildlife, birds, lizards, echidna and the odd emu, made for a memorable experience. The road from port agusta to the pound, was more scenic than I was expecting, worth making the effort to stop at lookout points.
    • DKNMichigan 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I was there just after a rain, first in several years. The streams were gorgeous and a once in a lifetime experience. It is a wonderful place for walks and hiking. The wildlife in plentiful. The aboriginal heritage is very interesting.
    • GwenM557 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      My husband and I have just retired and decided to do something on our first weekend in our new life to celebrate. I got to choose and decided on the Southern Flinders ranges foe some what I had been told is amazing scenery, and believe me it is. I decided to book us into the Wilpena Pound resort. On enquiring about accommodation choices at the resort I heard about their new safari tents. I decided this would be something different and booked a night. What a wonderful experience. The safari tent set in beautiful bushland with nature all around including wildlife. The tent has an ensuite, air conditioning, bar fridge and king size bed. We sat out on the porch enjoying the sights and sounds of the bush. It was great. We slept so soundly and with the flaps open at the side the breeze floated over our bed and I. The morning as the sun rose the beautiful gums appeared in our view. To cap it off the chef and waiter opened up a larger tent nearby and cooked a full breakfast for us. The only down side of the night was the restaurant was not open at the resort and we had to content ourselves with burger and chips from the cafe for tea. Tasted fine but not our prefered food style. We left the resort the next day refreshed and had a fabulous day driving around the ranges. Just a note you need a car with good round clearance to do this.
    • Penguin882 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We visited and hiked up St Mary's Peak to catch the sunrise. Not for the faint-hearted, but oh so well worth it! It took a few hours, and we were well and truly knackered (well, me more so than my teen daughter!) by the time we reached the summit. An experience we will never forget. Make sure you're prepared with plenty of food, water and hiking essentials (also be sure to let someone know what you are doing). We were glad to have done it in the cool part of the day (night!), as we could see the heat was making it harder for the people ascending as we were going down in the morning. There are plenty of other walks to do also - we will need to come back to do some more! Highly recommend.
    • 12Travellingismylife 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      There are about a dozen wellmarked walks of different lenght. Staying three full days would give you the possibility to enjoy most of them.
    • gammish 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Camped here and enjoyed the hiking a lot. Showers were fine but a few things are missing: no tables at sites but yet they have tables and benches at parking lot - weird; BBQ area is dismal; pool is nicely kept but there must be a bees nest nearby because it's swarming! Don't count on wifi working either but heck you're in the most beautiful mountains!
    • Eimearmuir 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      beautiful but instructions do not spell out clearly that the 4 hr return involves climbing and hiking experience is required
    • GeorgeC374 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The easy walk to the lookout was not as easy as stated. My daughter who has mobility issues could not make the last 20m as the path became to rocky and uneven. She was able to get above the canopy so did get a glimpse of the extent of the Pound. Overall it was a good day and a pleasant walk, with lots of wildlife and interesting Bushland.
    • Keelsy 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We took the walk up to the Hills Homestead and then on to Wangara Lookout. The story of the Hill family was fascinating and is an example of the early pioneering spirit. The view from the lookout was breathtaking and we spotted two eagles circling overhead. Also spotted lots of kangaroos and wallabies along the way and were stopped in our tracks by an Emu and family which we waited to pass by. The walk took about three hours overall which included time to stop, rest and enjoy the views.
    • X8326EDrichardh 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This is my 4th and has been the greenness ever vs dry red dusty unseal roads! We decided to take on St Mary Peak this time since we have longer daylight (Spring) than winter. We started 7.30am to take advantage of the cold morning. By the time we reached the "saddle" (or the shadow the peak 1hr from the peak) it was getting hot! We took the shorter trail (outside) and hindsight, we should have returned via the inner trail (1hr extra). Bring plenty of water and snacks. Get well rested at the "saddle" before attempting the summit. The distance may appear short, but the terrain is very hard and challenging! My 8yo boy and I took the summit and left the other at the "saddle". Because we were so exhausted on the return trip, the terrain was a lot more challenging than our initial outbound trip! Again the summit is awesome!
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