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alice springs reptile centre

  • 景点介绍
  • alice springs reptile centre
    The Alice Springs Reptile Centre is a privately owned park which displays...
  • 景点印象
    • 855BruceH 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Alice Springs Reptile Centre showcased the many Northern Territory reptiles in a naturally landscaped surrounds. Terry the Saltwater Crocodile exhibit was spectacular and allowed us to get up close to this mighty predator. Certainly a major feature of the Reptile Centre was the opportunity to get close to the ‘locals'. It was a fun and educational talk on the reptiles and included topics covering habitats, food, predators, adaptations, snake-bite first aid and how to avoid encounters with snakes in the wild.
    • Paul0419 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      You really only need an hour or so here as it is very compact but the reptile encounters with very enthusiastic staff are great. Very clean and tidy, the animals look well cared for.
    • CarolinaBecky 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I'm not a fan of snakes or reptiles but nonetheless I found this spot interesting because we could see gohannas, bearded dragons, a thonry devil and several of Australia's many poisonous snakes as well as a python and a crocodile.
    • RosemaryT881 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This place is not huge but has an excellent collection of Australian reptiles: snakes, geckos, even one salt water croc. We had an excellent demo of some of the critters, and you could hold the bearded dragon, blue-tongued lizard and even wrap yourself in a python if you so wished. Ruby the goana wandered around and was happy to be stroked. Our guide was very helpful and informative and I learned a lot. Well worth a visit.
    • andreask588 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Interesting displays with local snakes, lizards etc. Displays are clean and well presented. One saltwater croc on display. Staff member who did the hands on presentation seemed annoyed and just wanted to get it over with. Place is tiny and you are in / out in no time. Too expensive for what it has to offer.
    • Matinho 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Great displays with excellent and insightful presentations for visitors or locals to learn about Central Australian reptiles.
    • GlennA936 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Well run, great tour and explanation of the animals with out being bored to death. I will come back for a second visit, it is well worth while
    • 133marcelh 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Don't worry about the size of the reptile centre. Take your time and enjoy all the enclosures and animals. You don't have to hurry like in a zoo.First of all the staff is one of the best we met at our journey, visiting zoos and animal attractions.Very knowledgeable and always open for questions and explanations.Ask for the snake feeding! (We guess that happened just once a week or fortnight), we were lucky to see it and it's very interesting to see and hear something about their animals behaviour.You will have the opportunity to interact with some animals. They put out a python snake and some bartergams. You can hold them, take some photos and get some really nice information about the animal you holding and the species itself. They provide you as well with helpful information like how to react in emergency cases with venomous snakes etc. Very worth to see, the most deadliest/venomous snake, a inland taipan. Didn't see that snake somewhere else.They got a varane's and a croc outside. Big pythons, turtles, aligators, frogs, snakes...So pretty much everything you could expect in a zoo too. Don't spend much money for a zoo, give the little entry fee to the reptile centre.We think they do an awesome job and really care about the animals!
    • Ingordone 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I took part in one of the afternoon tour with the encounter with 2 reptiles (I can't remember what they where, but one of them I remember it was called Pickles) and a Olive Python called Lucy !The staff where friendly and willing to answer questions !The one let down that the tour stopped at that and you had to explore the rest of the facility on your own.
    • chrissT8206AF 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This place is small but is a must do. The staff were very knowledgeable and it's the only place we went where there is a window to watch a Croc under water
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