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gisborne wine centre

  • 景点介绍
  • gisborne wine centre
  • 景点印象
    • Sandra825 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The perfect choice when you have guests and wish to take them somewhere special to relax, sample the local Gisborne wines and chat over a tasty platter or light meal. Situated right on the edge of the inner harbour you can observe the yachts, fishing boats and hustle and bustle of the harbour. On the other side small boats come and go via a boat ramp so it's a hive of activity. Also a pleasant place to take a wander around the harbour or walk into town over the narrow rail bridge from which local children are often jumping and diving into the river below.
    • TheTravelInsider 图标 图标 图标 图标

      If you don't want to trek around a dozen different wineries in the Gisborne/Poverty Bay region, an easier way to get to know the wines is to visit the Gisborne Wine Centre, at its lovely location in the harbour basin.We were fortunate to be hosted by the manager, Ryan - himself an award winning winemaker who has worked for several of the local wineries as well as internationally. His knowledge definitely helped us understand and appreciate the local wines, and we enjoyed an interesting range of different wines to taste (I've no idea why one recent reviewer said there was no possibility to taste wines, because that is what this place is all about - offering wine tasting!).A small quibble. We were there late in the afternoon and the sun was streaming through the unshaded windows and broiling us inside. Some curtaining or shades would make it much more comfortable.
    • 2jennia 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Arrived in Gisborne on wet windy day ventured to Gisborne wine centre and there I stayed for the afternoon sampling local knowledge and wines along with jazz playing, rain falling and harbour views. Oh and gourmet tapas all at very reasonable cost. What more could a girl ask for!
    • phebianMelbourne 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Spent about an hour discussing wines and wineries with the knowledgeable staff member. Had a glass of wine and a cheese platter. Enjoyed our time here.
    • R_Zanetello 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I was disappointed when I visited, because unlike in Italy there was no possibility to taste wines.I was interested, but new Zealand wines are expensive, and I'm not going to buy an expensive I wine I don't know. So I passed.If you're interested on Gisborne wines get a list of wineries at the I-site and visit them.
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