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east coast museum of technology

  • 景点介绍
  • east coast museum of technology
  • 景点印象
    • Ambermc 图标 图标 图标 图标

      What can I say? We cruise up a long drive and immediately see a beautiful old locomotive waiting to be restored to its former glory. We park, and make our way to a large shed whose door is enticingly ajar. We peep in, and immediately two gentlemen welcome and inform us about this wonderful museum. Housed in an old Dairy Factory, the numerous sheds are a treasure trove of military and agricultural equipment, including stationary engines, locomotives, domestic apparatus, telephone exchanges and even an electron microscope! And then there are the fields of machinery, trucks and cars which are just begging to be restored - and then there is another door, to another shed, housing the most mind-boggling collection of "stuff" we have ever seen. Fascinating to say the least.... the passionate people who can be found amongst the dust and devices, are so willing to inform and help you understand the machines and equipment of yester-year. A must see museum... I would love to be a part of it, especially in restoring that lovely steam locomotive.... just as well there are a few of us who get excited about such things!
    • AmandaG570 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Like every farmers shed of useful stuff but on a huge scale. Fire engines, cars, bikes, household appliances, farm equipment, petrol pumps, oil cans, butter churns, switchboards etc Messy than MOTAT but way more stuff to look at - the boys loved it.
    • MarieD310 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The ship was very interesting Very well laid out nuseum
    • Gaillimh_abu3 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This place is great. Hidden awaz in Makaraka as you come into Gisborne on the left. Amazing old agricultural machines, buses, cars, trucks, bikes and things from days gone by. A local group run and they are the salt of the earth and are very helpful and welcoming. Well worth a visit and just adds another element to this amazing and not often visited part of New Zealand.
    • 肉団子 图标 图标 图标 图标

      日本人が行ってなにか楽しいか?と言われるとNoとしか言えない。過去同じニュージーランド南島ワナカの「交通&おもちゃ博物館」でもそうだったが、廃品倉庫を一般開放しているような感じ。スタッフでハリソン・フォード似のおじいちゃんが、解説してくれたが自分の語力では無理!展示物は、廃線になったGisborne - Motu 線の駅構内にあるので、駅舎や廃棄鉄道車両が少し、消防車や一般の乗用車が廃車工場並みに陳列・・・放置されている。また、Nzの一般家庭で使用されてきた調理器具の変遷みたいな感じもディスプレイされているが、まぁ置いてあるだけ。説明などは一切なし。最大の見せ場は、巨大な蒸気ボイラー!しかし、解説がわかないので、用途不明。おとな5NZDは微妙。
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