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deep canyon

  • 景点介绍
  • deep canyon
  • 景点印象
    • pesti13 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      我和老公在新西兰住了6年时间,去瓦纳卡玩过两次,每次都会去大峡谷。第一次时,我们预订了“大尼泊尔”,其中有我们还有一对英国夫妇。那次体验非常棒,我们简直欲罢不能。物超所值——从交通到景区各项消费,他们提供所有的设备,还有个很棒的导游,幽默有趣、知识渊博、经验丰富,还很关注每个人的安全,还提供茶水、饼干和其他小吃等。我强力推荐大峡谷。我们第二次去瓦纳卡玩儿时,我们带着父母、伯伯、伯母来,他们都六七十岁了,但身体都很健康,也不怕水,但之前从没玩过任何崖降活动。我们顺服他们去进行尼泊尔之旅,Ron(我伯伯)已经78岁了,是他们之中年龄最大的,导游Annette带着他们四个和另外一个年轻的女士穿过大峡谷,他们绝对兴奋了一回,也觉得很安全。那天我和老公决定去玩儿峡谷升降(Leaping Burn),鉴于上次的经验,我们的期望很高——我们没有失望。旺季还没有到(11月底),峡谷中的水位很高,但我们跳之前,导游已经下去确认了一下水位,向我们保证说虽然对身体来说有些挑战,但还是很安全的,太棒了。向上爬的经历与向下跳一样激动人心——一直都挂着绳子。其中往下跳的过程中有沿绳下降,滑下岩石、游泳和直接跳进下面的池水等——如果你不想往下跳,那还会有其他的选择。我们玩了蹦极、跳伞和其他活动,但这些都是几分钟之内就结束了!如果你喜欢寻求刺激和冒险,想要在新西兰寻找一些不可思议的东西,并且准备钱包出点血,那就去大峡谷吧,你肯定不会后悔!
    • bleachedquasar 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      如果你想迎接挑战,这项一整天的绕绳下降、攀岩、远足和在瀑布攀岩而下是非常刺激的,也是你在新西兰难以置信的体验。我报名参加Niger Stream,真是一项挑战我恐高症的活动,其中还包含跳崖项目。导游Anna保证一切都很安全有趣,而且整个活动过程中我一直都觉得很安全。游览峡谷,景色非常漂亮,从下往上看瀑布,还有天然形成的岩石滑梯。你要客服对水的恐惧,随时准备挑战自己,而这一切都是值得的。
    • Sixtyandfit 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

    • Einfante 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

    • FussyMcgee 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      我喜欢这里!从价钱方面来说相比其他游览物超所值,这里之所以获胜是因为早上到了峡谷,下午可以有很多地方去挑战自己。完成挑战你会非常为自己自豪!每个人都兴致盎然,真的是一次团队冒险!我一个人去的,离开的时候感觉有些地方真的很特别!导游Millie和Holly都让人印象深刻,保证我们能够放松,还鼓励我们,让我们一直处于开心的巅峰!我建议提前大吃一顿早餐,因为这真的很费体力!相信我,这里真的值得一来:)。对了,景色也超级美!另一个有趣的事情是,Bear Grills不在这里,所以说他所效力的真的是非常不错的公司!!;)附:这里没有船,我看到了下面的评论,那可不是去峡谷的!哦,如果你像我一样在机场领到到达杂志的话,会有8折优惠,里面有很多的优惠券!
    • Y551EPjenniferp 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We had a fantastic time doing the Niger Stream last week! Holly and Ricky "Ricardo" are amazing guides, who you can tell love "their office" (the outdoors) and take time to make every person on the trip feel safe, have a sense of adventure, and have fun as a team! They also answer any questions you have about New Zealand, and you can tell they have such respect for the land, animals, and what a gift it is to show people something they have so much passion for - makes for an awesome adventure with awesome people! They were encouraging to everyone! I can't, and haven't stopped, saying enough positive things about the trip to all the people we met on our trip to New Zealand and now back home. It's truly such a fantastic opportunity and something not to miss out on. If you want a fun day, with amazing people, and memories that will last a lifetime this is definitely something not to be missed. Your only regret will be that you can't do it every day! I couldn't wait to get back to the states to write a review about our experience to share with anyone considering a trip...it's a must do!
    • sarahdenny 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Hi,Thanks for emailing us about your photos, I replied to your initial request and I reviewed the photos some were blurry and these usually get deleted however the remainder were clear and there were some great shots of you canyoning. I declined to refund you $15 per person as you did receive some great photos and videos as well. Deep Canyon keeps photo charges very low as we like people to access video and photos of the canyon, we encourage people to bring their own cameras and many helmets have GO PRO mounts. We are sorry that this has tarnished your experience with Deep Canyon and hope that you go on to enjoy the remainder of your holiday.
    • jenniferL548 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We had planned originally to do a canyon experience in the North Island but sadly it wasn't available - We saw this company advertising when we got South and we were not disappointed when we took part. We chose the package that we got some extra abseils and it was worth the extra money as we got more time in the canyon.The whole experience was exhilerating, challenging and endless fun. If you don't have a head for heights, then it might be hard, but I loved it. The main thing I struggled with was the walk up to the top of the canyon at the beginning - but our guide was very patient and encouraging and I actually was pretty pleased when I made it up. I'd never abseiled before, but after a short lesson and a few practise runs, I felt very confident and very safe. Ricky was our guide. He was an exceptional teacher and gave the perfect balance of control and banter. Great guy who was really professional, but fun and really new his stuff. If you don't do anything else in the South Island, do this.
    • 546bills 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      My wife and I had a blast with Jeremy doing the Niger River canyon trip. The repelling, sliding, jumping and gamboling through waterfalls, pools and rock formations was was a challenging but very rewarding experience. I would highly recommend this trip and Deep Canyon to anyone who wants an adventure.Bill and MarianneMaryland, USA
    • 125bhavikm 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Deep Canyon Niger Stream was an excelling way to spend the day in Wanaka. Couldn't be happier with the trip and both guides - Jeremy and Ricky were awesome
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