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peak to creek

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  • peak to creek
  • 景点印象
    • geterd0ne 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      One of the best and longest cruiser blue runs in the world. Unfortunately, it's quite popular and because of it's length it is groomed poorly. If you watch the grooming reports, and head directly to this run the morning after BOTH top and bottom sections have been groomed, you can have an amazing, fast, and clean run. By mid-afternoon it will be chopped up. If the bottom half has not been groomed, the trenches dig knee deep. In those conditions it can take up to an hour to finish the run. Even when it is groomed, it's so massive they don't spend enough time piste-busting. I really hope they improve the nightly grooming on this run as on a good day it's absolutely stunning.
    • drumz 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Peak to Creek is a must-do for any visitor to the resort. When fresh snow has fallen to the valley, this run is amazing combined with the steeps of West Bowl or Bagel Bowl. Without fresh snow it is a good idea to check that it's been groomed otherwise be prepared for crud and moguls. You can stop at the intersection of Highway 86 and Peak to Creek to try and assess the conditions, but that won't really reveal the conditions further down. Once you drop past Highway 86, you're committed to riding all the way to Creekside - it's a leg burner if you don't stop. The run features open pitches, rollers, a few low-angle flats, and access to some other runs like Big Timber & Home Run (never groomed). You paid for all that vertical - ride it!
    • ib21 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Lovely long run do to as the last run of the day. Loved the Dave Murray downhill. We did not have much snow over Xmas, New Year so it got a bit icy towards the end.
    • IrwinH996 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This run starts at the very top of Whistler and ends at Creekside, the lowest point in Whistler Blackcomb. I am a local so I don't stop for pictures but unless it is a sunny day and the groomer has been top to bottom I do stop to rest. It is mostly a challenging blue but some pitches would be rated black at any other mountain. On a groomed day a strong intermediate skier can handle the run with lots of rests. At 11 km the run isn't the longest at WB but there are almost no flat areas so the skis are constantly turning. If you are not in good skiing shape I wouldn't recommend it. Usually the bottom half is groomed once a week. At that point there are signs which will direct you away from the bottom half. If you go down there, you must go to the bottom. On a none groomed day you can expect mostly bumps on steep pitches for 5-6 km, so beware if you aren't a skilled skier or if you have eastern legs. To get to half way you will already have come down 2500-3000 feet on steep terrain. This run finishes many skiers especially if done late in the day. The good news is there is a pub at the bottom.
    • butterf1y 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We tried this run as our last run on our first day there. Wow. The views. I must have stopped every 2 mins to stop and take a picture! The views are stunning. Your legs will burn!We lucked out and did this on a clear blue bird sky day but some parts of the run were choppy (as expected on a popular run at the end of the day). I'd recommended doing this run first thing in the morning if possible.It's a very long run and it took us about 40mins from start to finish (this includes all the many stops we made to take pictures). Def. a blue run with a couple of blue-black areas.
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