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the whistler train wreck

  • 景点介绍
  • the whistler train wreck
  • 景点印象
    • KevinMiller1956 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      It's an unofficial hike (no signage) because you have to cross the CP Rail line in the forest and walk along the line for very short distances twice. Excellent directions and description at http://whistlerhiatus.com and other websites. Very popular ... we were the first ones doing it today, but we met ~20 people going in as we were coming out.The walk itself was very nice, generally in the forest along the fast-moving Cheakamus River (lots of rapids and mini falls) with great views. The excellent parts are the very unique train wreck ruins (1957) at 2K in -- very artistic graffiti -- and the people-built mountain bike park and singletrack trail. We walked the MTB singletrack 300m beyond the last of the 7 wrecked train cars, but then turned around because we didn't want to walk "forever".
    • HaleyJo09 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We checked out this short hike because it sounded unique and easy with our kids. This it was; however, the actual wreck, as is to be expected, is graffitied, but is also filthy and it is obvious people camp/sleep there (like a homeless area/bike park- weird). My 9 y.o. girls thought it was ok. Views along the river were lovely. Walking along railroad tracks, esp. as a train zips by, not so much.
    • 353amandas353 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This was an awesome surprise in the middle of the forest! Not what I was expecting at all! After a hike down the rail way tracks keep you eyes out for the train wreck on the right hand side of the tracks it easy to miss! But once you find them you will be blown away by the artwork painted onto these train cars! A MUST SEE for sure! Watch out for bears!
    • LizM810 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Some brilliant graffiti murals. And the eerie contrast of nature to these hulking, rusting wrecks is spell-biding.
    • KristynaV 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This was a great family hike - took us an hour and a half there and back at a very leisurely pace. The trail could be marked a bit better and it does run adjacent to the tracks in a couple of places but overall easy to follow and the beautiful grafitti-covered train cars at the end of the journey is well worth the jaunt. Do take the time to check out the view points along the way, we enjoyed watching the kayakers tackle the white water rapids.
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