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the ancient forest

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  • the ancient forest
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    • 113BarbaraS 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Out of the way treat but you need to keep sharp eye out for signs to it! Partly boarded walk and being improved all the time BUT still lot of clambering along and over logs and can be very muddy and slippery if rained beforehand as with us! I'm told lots of mozzies if weather better! Do go though, its nice walk in ancient forest with some fabulous specimens of very old trees.
    • wendybikermom 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Great trails . Most of the trail is wooden walkway so very easy to do. Make sure you use bug spray as you are in very dense forest
    • trevora130559 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Having seen so many mountains, lakes and waterfalls during our trip we were pleasantly surprised by this lovely walk through the forest... Well worth a visit.
    • KimE366 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This pristine little Rainforest is a must-see. Takes less than an hour to walk the trail. Also has half a kilometre of boardwalk, in case you're handicapped. I was on crutches, from a recent knee surgery this summer & the boardwalk was perfect in accommodating my "hike" into the heart of the forest. It's stunning. The main trail is a little uneven & rocky since it's been left as natural as possible in order to not disturb the ecosystem too much. So wear shoes appropriate for that.
    • 708JeffC 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This place needs better signage! We have driven past many times on our way to and from Alberta. The first bit of the trail to the "Big Tree" loop was steep but our 4, 6 and 8 year olds managed, as did Mom, Dad and Grandma. The trails were spectacular - don't forget your camera! It's amazing to see scenery like this so far north, it feels like the south coast of BC. The wheelchair trail was fantastic, and a nice relaxing walk after the steeper trails. Look carefully at the small things, the cedar trees are amazing but so are the ferns, mushrooms and toadstools. We will be back next time through, it's a great spot between McBride and PG to stretch the legs after a long drive. We missed the trail to the falls due to time, next time that will be on our list. Go here, you will jot be disappointed!
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