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snaza'ist centre and mascot mine

  • 景点介绍
  • snaza'ist centre and mascot mine
  • 景点印象
    • HilaryD969 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This is an interesting trip although it is not for the weak of knees. There are many stairs to climb once you reach the old mine site. The drive up there is quite amazing and goes along some cliff edges that are not for those who are uncomfortable with heights. I found booking the tour interesting as the organization is limited in its skills in that way. The tour itself was good, take water and be prepared to hike up and down steep paths and many stairs. My third trip there in six years so I obviously would recommend it as an experience.
    • 610KelleyC 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Tour guides were very knowledgable and the whole experience was extremely educational for myself and my two boys.
    • smalltownlady 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I loved the stairs and one hundred and fifty something? Was a challenge and fun with a breathtaking view of the valley. The mine tour was interesting and shockingly cool once you entered the actual mine shaft that is open...brrr. Great tour. I highly recommend making the pit stop.
    • BCRoadie 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Definatley worth your time. This is a 4 hour tour from start to finish, with a 60 minute bus ride up the mountain to start. The buildings have been well preserved and restored and our guide was a great storyteller. The view from the top was spectacular, of Hedley and the valley below. There are 580 steps to get down to the mine site from where the bus stops so reasonable shoes and fitness is a plus. A great day spent with a piece of our history!
    • Marcus1900 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Took this tour this weekexcellent experienceWe had an incredible guide that had tons of stories and knowledge on the mine topped with many local legends about big foot and other elements of her ancestors culture.My kids (3.5,8,11) enjoyed the tour very much. the 3.5 was able to go down all the 600 stairs to the mine, was a little bit harder on the way up, but she made it. so I guess that means anyone probably can do it.Bring a flashlight, although they do not state it as part of the equipment, but those who wished to walk into the mine for few hundreds meters - it would have been helpful to have one.Also- the trip is limited to 22 people and you need to pay cash ( also bring cash for the tip), we were able to book the afternoon before for 5 people- but we were the last to join. if you're in the area before 12:30pm you can stop at the center to see if someone didn't show up and no one else is waiting for the unused spot....
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