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westfield heritage village

  • 景点介绍
  • westfield heritage village
  • 景点印象
    • DianS360 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The volunteers at Westfield are top notch! Kids will enjoy the old stories told in heritage houses that are brought in from around Ontario. There is a huge steam locomotive that is a highlight of any Halloween visit. It's a nice stroll on beautiful grounds and the food is good at the little restaurant. Buying a pass for Hamilton Conservation areas gets you great discounts for this attraction, especially if you have a family because Halloween is free with the pass as well as some other times. The blacksmith's shop is great, it's all great and the drive is nice to get there. You could take a picnic if you wanted. There's an old fashioned candy store which is nice but they also sell junk that you could get cheaper from the buck store and has nothing to do with heritage. Beware of this and avoid that if you can as it's an unnecessary part of a day like that. The prices for food aren't bad in the little restaurant. Again, the enthusiasm of the story tellers and volunteers are what make this place tick. If the little tea shop is open further into the grounds, I recommend it, they use real china cups and the kids would get a kick out of it.
    • johnny46915 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This is a recreated historic village but the buildings and furnishings are authentic (buildings were moved here from various locations) . It is not large but makes for a nice afternoon . If you like early Canadian history ,you will appreciate this heritage village .
    • GeorgeB137 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      If you like to time travel then this is the place for you and your family.Westfield Heritage Village is set in a forest of trees on the outskirts of Hamilton. There are over 35 historic buildings from the late 1800's to early 1900's. The buildings have been re-created from all over Ontario.Volunteer interpreters bring these buildings to life.Reasonably priced and lots of fun for the lover of history.
    • formykids12 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      For many years we have been going as a family to Westfield during their special events, Halloween and Christmas. Even though now my children are young adults they still love to go. Christmas is by far our favourite. Enjoying a hot apple cider while touring the village and listening the stories and always ending the evening with fireworks. Always a hit!
    • FredS639 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The volunteers were few and not many building were open when we visited that day because of the fair in Rockton. However, these folks really made a difference. This is a very charming and well maintained historic village. The restorations are very authentic and not overly cluttered. It is smaller than King's Landing in New Brunswick, not as many buildings as Fort Steele or Barkerville in BC but every bit as wonderful to see and enjoy.
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