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mount mckay

  • 景点介绍
  • mount mckay
  • 景点印象
    • L324DGianw 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The view of my mckay was very pretty. Didn't make it to the top because the park was closed guess the typical tourist doesn't go in April. The bridge to get here was kinda creepy barely enough room for my f150 to make it through and it seemed as if it were made of scrap parts literally. But that's part of the adventure it was what it was and I can't hold it against the pretty sight.
    • 774chucky1963 图标 图标 图标 图标

      A must see and do when you visit Thunder Bay.It was a bit off path to get there, but when you arrive,,,,WOWWWWThe view is spectacular.The staff at gate house were also very friendly
    • darreng337 图标 图标 图标 图标

      A great place to look at Thunder Bay and Lake Superior. It gives you a very different perspective. The nominal fee is worth it as the road is newly refinished and the Pow Wow center will be very nice once completed.
    • 匿名 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Although its a bit of a drive out of town the view is worth it. You have to hike a bit up the mountain but once you get to the top its really nice.The mountain was in great condition and the road was freshly paved earlier in the season. We brought pizza and enjoyed lunch at the top of the mountain overlooking Thunder Bay.
    • RandiGirl88 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This attraction is a neat place to go to see the whole city from the look out. I have come here during the day and at night. It's also a quiet place to come to have some me time. I have never hiked the top part of the mountain as I heard there was a trail you could do that. There is a man that sits on the way in who asks for money but I dont pay him. this lookout is free. Its located on the reserve part of Thunder Bay so this native man trys to charge people for going up "his" mountain. last time I was here he was even intoxicate, We just drove by.
    • TheMariasMA 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Mt. McKay was the highlight of our stay in Thunder Bay! The upkeep is perfect and not a lot of tampering with nature here thank goodness so you really feel like the 5$ was worth it. We sat in the back of our mini-van and enjoyed lunch while looking out over Thunder Bay and had a spectacular and dreamy view of the Sleeping Giant-- we could have stayed here forever! Fall must be the most perfect time to visit as you can witness the changing of the leaves. Absolutely breathtaking and great time to take family photos (which we did!)
    • TeamFfej 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We traveled up the mountain at dusk. The view was spectacular with the city starting to light up for the evening. Well worth the 5 bucks a car load
    • jessicag821 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Mount McKay is a great thing to do as soon as you arrive to Thunder Bay. Located about 10 minutes from the airport you can take your car up the mountain where you get a great view of Sleeping Giant Provincial Park... the pictures don't do it justice but you can see all of Thunder Bay as well! $5 per car to get in and then you can hike around as well. When we went it was raining so we just got out to take a view pictures before getting on our way.
    • JasmineC292 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Five dollars per car makes Mt McKay one of the cheaper options in Thunder Bay (compared to say, sleeping giant). Definitely worth a stop for the view and Ojibway monuments. We took a very steep "trail" of mostly loose shale up to the very top. Definitely a rush although not the easiest or safest route. Pretty sure there is another walking trail that might be a better option.
    • Travelwinter55 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This is well worth the trip to Thunder Bay. Only $5.00 per car and the view is amazing. You are up so high that you can view the entire city and the bay with ships coming into port. The newly paved road is a joy to drive, going past trees on the winding road that has no shoulders is a soulful experience as well...
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