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  • 景点介绍
  • 加拿大仙境乐园
    Canada's Wonderland is home to the most exhilarating collection of rides...
  • 景点印象
    • ZapCa 图标 图标 图标 图标

      从08年开始,我经过这个地方有15-20次,它是世界上最棒的公园,我从自己的亲身体验就能感觉到!这里有最好、最快、最恐怖的过山车,很大的娱乐场地,美味的漏斗蛋糕和其他的食物。这里是孩子有玩的天地还有很棒的水上公园!这是我见过的最棒的公园。现在还有利维亚坦— 这是一个最惊悚恐怖的项目!如果你来加拿大多伦多附近,强烈推荐你来这里。我百分百相信你绝不会后悔而且永远不会忘记这次经历。
    • AbuHammad 图标 图标 图标 图标

      这个游乐园很棒,各种过山车很多,有“巨兽”(the behemoth),有利维坦( the leviathan),有“大男孩”(big boys)和许多其他更小规模、但依然很酷的过山车。可以说人人都能玩得尽兴。排队队伍很长,但也可以理解。唯一缺点就是那里的食物和饮料摊位,除了赛百味,其他全都贵的离谱。最好自带水、饮料和三明治。除此以外,这个地方还是非常赞的,他们甚至还建了个多种信仰的中心,各种信徒都可以做祷告。
    • 497MikeD 图标 图标 图标 图标

    • Dannie14 图标 图标 图标 图标

      我是在加拿大感恩节周末的时候去的这个乐园。我一开园就到了,不过因为Leviathan(大鱼)这个项目没有准时开,所以已经有人排队,等了一个小时左右才玩上。这会是个消磨周末时光的好地方,不用排很久的队,人也不是特别多。我们就住在附近,所以什么都没买,回家吃的午饭。那里的食物什么的实在是太贵了。还不如出来到对面的Kelsey‘s或者Tim Hortons吃。
    • cacfan 图标 图标 图标 图标

    • SweetCityGirll 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Just recently got TripAdvisor app so this review is pretty late but I visited Canada's Wonderland last summer (2014) with some friends and it was the best time ever! So much fun you have to see it to believe it. Only thing was long waiting times on big rides that's expected and you're not allowed to bring your own food or drinks in the park and the food sold in wonderland gets kinda pricey. But no question I'll be back this summer (2015) and probably buy a season pass!
    • MariaMartinez1 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Great rides, lots of fun. Food is overpriced and very crowded sometimes. Long lines with people holding spots. Overall, the rides are awesome.
    • DebsR3 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Fun rides and shows for the whole family. We especially enjoy the water rides. The food and drinks are very expensive. I would recommend bringing a backpack with water and some snacks.
    • sunnydays16 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Overall we love going to Wonderland for the day so much for everyone to see and do. Each of us has a favorite ride that has to be the first and last ride of the day. The Dragon fire has always been my personal fav. And the water park we just love some of the new rides like the one that's like being flushed down a toilet. And the fireworks displays are the perfect end to a great day. The food and ticket prices are a bit ridiculous but if you get them online they are cheaper and sometimes you can find good deals. Overall great family fun had by all.
    • helooo99 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Seasons passes are a must if you live close by. If not plan on going on a Monday or a cloudy day. Food prices are very jacked up, they don't allow food in the park anymore but you can do in and out.
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