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brockville railroad tunnel

  • 景点介绍
  • brockville railroad tunnel
  • 景点印象
    • stevealg 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We came here to have our family photos taken. It is a nice place not certainly not worth going out of your way to see.
    • luckycannuck 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I was raised in Brockville and didn't leave the area until I was sixteen. I went along with the family move to the place I call HOME!! We always walked through the tunnel to get to the water front faster. On this particular day I wasn't with my brother but they came across a body. My brother and his friend turned and ran all the way back the way they came even though he was maybe 50 meters from exiting out the other end of the tunnel. When I asked my brother why he turned and ran all that distance back the other way he responded and said it was the best way to get to the police station. I have never checked it out whether it is or isn't but I like sharing his adventure. If you get a chance to walk through it go for it I think you will enjoy it. THIS IS FROM ALONG TIME AGO AND THINGS HAVE CHANGED BIG TIME THERE. This makes his adventure fdrom along time ago even more special.
    • Prijateljica 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Hi, this place was okay but the city does not do much to help preserve it. The tunnel itself could be cleaned and fixed up. The outside needs fixing as well.I did like the fact that we saw what it looked like because of the pictures inside the tunnel. Too bad the city did not make the tunnel to walk through it.
    • pjwlk 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Grounds area was well kept and the tunnel was kind of neat. You can only go in about 80 t0 100 feet. Enough to give you a feel for what it was like. There were some information boards describing the local history of the tunnel. Best of all was there was no entrance fee! I had read about this tunnel and stumbled upon it by accident. I'm glad I saw it but I wouldn't get off the highway just to see it. The town of Brockville has many interesting plaques with photos describing the towns history.
    • 539margg 图标 图标 图标 图标

      It's was worth the trip. It's the first railway tunnel built in Canada! It's surrounded by some breath taking scenery. There is an old caboose near by! They also have plaques throughout the blockhouse island and the down town area telling the history of Brockville from over 200 years ago! Lots of shops, cafés and restaurants. All around great place for tourists or for someone just wanting something to do with family and friends for an outing.less
    • SussexPollyp 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Able to go inside a few yards. This was the first rail tunnel built in Canada. No charge for looking.
    • Zedhed021 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Total waste of time! Don't bother going. If you would like to look into a dark stinky railway tunnel that stinks, come here.
    • HannahLook 图标 图标 图标 图标

      It's so cool that it's the first railway tunnel built in Canada! And it's surrounded by some breath taking scenery as well! There is even an old caboose near by! The tunnel is cold! Even when it's hot. And it's neat to look at some of Brockville's history from over 200 years ago! You can walk around the blockhouse island and the down town area and there are these plaques everywhere that tell you about the history and there are lots of shops and cafés and restaurants around!
    • travel_guru_r_us 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Right near the water, in this small town, in downtown Brockville, is a major piece of Canadian History. There is not much to see, but you have to marvel at this engineering feet, almost 200 years ago. After to visit the tunnel, you can walk along the lake and tour downtown. My 13 year old son thought this was interesting and kind of cool, as I did myself.There is metered parking in the near by park area, right next to the water.
    • Clara1953 图标 图标 图标 图标

      It is interesting that the town of Brockville maintained the entrance to this very first railway tunnel where the train towards Ottawa began in the 1800s. Historical plaques explain well the history of this particular up until the end of this railway line in 1970. You can almost hear the train coming!
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