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zwick centennial park

  • 景点介绍
  • zwick centennial park
  • 景点印象
    • 220laurelb 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I am really glad that such a lovely park is so close. The walking trails are great and we really enjoy the music that they have Sunday and Wednesday nights in the summer.
    • 619doug 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The park provides an awesome place to chill out, go for walks by the water, take the kids to play etc.
    • whiskeygirl24 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This is a great place to take a stroll or take your kids for an afternoon picnic. There is a play area, and splash pad in the summer months. It has an out door theater for bands. Many festivals are held there throughout the summer.
    • Jim611 图标 图标 图标 图标

      If you are in the region with your family and donno what to do, try this park. It is near the lake for a nie walk and has somw playgrounds for the kids.
    • littleduffman 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Huge park in Belleville on the side of bay, near the Bay Bridge. It as a immense fense dog park whit matures trees. A big kid zone for 3 to 10. Many place to sit and picnic table. They are nicely made asphalt trail. It's a great place to observe birds. You have your usual soccer and baseball field, nicely equip.There's lots of activities during the summer.There's also parking for the park.
    • zack73_12 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I went to this park as a child many years ago. Yesterday we went there and I was stunned by the work that has been done. The playground would please any child, the walking paths and picnic areas were nice. I really miss seeing the plane though!My biggest complaint, dog feces. The dog park is not suitable for all dogs and after watching people and dog interactions I am hestant to say its even good for any dog.I do say this, shame on all the people who do not pick their dogs poop. There is no excuse for it whatsoever. It is also unsafe for puppies as you cannot know if the dogs that are there are healthy. This park needs to be cleaned and maintained because it is a beautiful place.
    • trep0856 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Situer a deux pas de notre hôtel, c'est un bel emplacement pour aller faire son jogging le matin ou tout le long de la journée. C'est calme et apaisant. Tout se déroule le long du lac dans la baie de Quinte. Beaucoup d'activités et de spectacles y sont présentées pendant l'été. On peut se baigner dans les piscines , promener son chien en laisse.on y retrouve plusieurs oiseaux et des canards et même des cygnes sauvages.
    • Oudhay 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Parc au bord de l'eau avec module de jeu pour enfants. Il y a même une tyrolienne.Tables pour pique-niquerÀ part ça, rien de spécialComme y a pas grand chose à faire à Belleville et que le centre-ville est moche et en décrépitude, ça peut-être une bonne alternative
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