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tyendinaga mohawk territory

  • 景点介绍
  • tyendinaga mohawk territory
  • 景点印象
    • zack73_12 图标 图标 图标 图标

      if all you want to buy is cheap cigarettes there is no other reason to go. We drove around several hours, couldnt find a restaurant to eat at that was more than gas station food. There seems to be only fireworks and smokes to see. No museum or cultural things to see, if there are I couldnt find them.
    • bellevillecheri 图标 图标 图标 图标

      These are my neighbours and old classmates... but a great place to learn about the aboriginal culture and great deals
    • BrianW74 图标 图标 图标 图标

      we were looking for gifts. The place looked run down. The outside was awfull looking. Prices inside did not reflect the state of disrepair. If you want cheap cigarettes its the place to go.
    • waynec293 图标 图标 图标 图标

      A pretty cool local Native history museum display, gas prices typically 12 cents/litre cheaper than local communities, and cheap smokes, for those choosing to end their lives that way. Check out Arnie's for deals on frozen foods, and discount appliances.
    • JamesandVictoria 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I visited the Mohawk reservation at Bellville for the second time this month. The last time was in 2005.I must say that I really enjoyed the arts and craft shop. The carvings by Thomas Maracle are fascination and I bought another to go with the one I bought the first time I was there.There are lots of other crafts and clothing that are great, especially the moccasins that I really loved, the people working there were really nice and helpful.I think the whole reservation was tax free, petrol etc. and I have never seen so many cigarettes in my life! You can get a big plastic bag full for $8! Incredible.The rest of the reservation,was just ordinary. Nothing much to see, but the craft shop is fantastic.
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