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  • 景点介绍
  • 荧光海湾
  • 景点印象
    • TarheelsofVa 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Took tour with Blue Waters Caribbean Adventures, moon a little bright but could still see fish darting through water and making it glow. On of our guides, Arnold Arambulo was very helpful with the background info and also pointing out the constellations we could so clearly see that night. What a treasure for your country!
    • Tsquared54 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We didn't take the night tour since the little creatures aren't at their best with ambient light, so we just drove down to the inlet during the day and had a look. That's a good thing to do because you can also see the area surrounding the bay and appreciate that this natural phenomena is dependent on everything around it (the mangrove forest, the surrounding hills free of hotels and other man-made structures) staying healthy and pure.
    • JugNancy 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This is and should be protected.visit the Conservation and Historical Trust to learn about this amazing environment before you book a tour.
    • Nittfan 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I guess I was expecting the illumination given off by these little critters - "bioluminescent dinoflagellates" name "Pyrodimium bahamense" to be more intense. Don't necessarily believe the photos you may see of them glowing in the water; I was told by several locals that these pictures were taken under perfect conditions, possibly retouched, and before the bay started to dim. Of note too is the fact that I went two days after the darkest phase of the lunar cycle (new moon?), so conditions were definitely good. So, was it worth it ....? Yes! It was still cool, just don't expect the water to glow like the ads you may see. The most intense glow that I saw was when the fish in the water were startled and swam away from the boat, or when people were allowed to take turns putting their legs into the water to swish around. The dinoflagellates need to be "aggitated" to glow. It is also cool when they let you dip your hand/arm into a bucket of water from the bay. Our tour company (Island Adventures Biobay Tours) is the only one that I know of that takes you out on an electric pontoon boat. This operation is professional, and our guide for the evening (Paul??) was excellent, enthused and did a great job educating us about bioluminescent dinoflagellates, the bay in general, and even the night sky/constellations.
    • 870lindsayc 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Unfortunately, the timing of our vacation fell on an almost full moon. This made the lights from the bay more difficult to see (not as bright), but it was still well worth it to go and see it. Next time we will plan our trip for a moonless night!
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