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el faro park

  • 景点介绍
  • el faro park
    Find the Rincon Lighthouse, the Maritime Museum and if you’re lucky...
  • 景点印象
    • robertgL4923CW 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Will come again. Was here on july 19 2014. And it's a wonder place. Well come with my whole family. It's very peacefull. And a clean place.
    • abby5075 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Had we missed stopping here, I wouldn't have been devastated, but I'm glad we saw it briefly one afternoon. It's probably quite stunning around sunset. The lighthouse and grounds are well maintained and the view is pretty. Parking was easy and it wasn't out of the way for us to check it out, but really all of the area is pretty, so unless you really love lighthouses, this is not a must-see in my book. We didn't leave anything in our car when we went to walk around and felt safe throughout our time there. It wasn't overwhelmingly touristy, which was also nice. There were some vendors with jewelry and drinks, but not much and the park was filled with families and couples taking in the beautiful view and nicely manicured tropical landscapes.
    • Diversion_Fun 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Next to el Faro is Diversion and Fun Rentals. This is one of the best places of Rincon. With the rentals you can really explore beyond of what is seen in the pictures. Real nice paradise!!
    • morgand592 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      You have to take a few minutes to walk around this park and see the lighthouse. You will not regret it!
    • surfer02_10 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      February is the time of year for whale watching off the coast of Rincon, PR. and El Faro Park is the perfect place for viewing these beauties of nature. The park sits on a bit of a cliff just between Marias and Domes beach and it is also a great spot to watch the surfers as well. If you go there on a clear night the stars look like they touch the water. It is really beautiful and a must do when visiting Rincon.
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