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plaza colon

  • 景点介绍
  • plaza colon
  • 景点印象
    • mochileroboricua 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Plaza Colón, like in the majority of the Puerto Rico municipalities and Spanish heritage countries is located in the center of town. In one side is the municipality building and in the opposite side the catholic cathedral. Is a nice place to sit and rest in the shade of the threes. It have a nice coffee shop name it "Friend's Cafe" and some restaurants and cafeterias around it. Here you can see old mans playing dominoes, people selling plants or traditional puertorican lottery. In one side is located a public library where you can use internet for free. Bathroom facilities available in the municipality building. I live in Mayaguez. If you need any information, write me.
    • josel673 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This plaza is nice and calm. The statue of colon is situated in a nice fountain. Good to take a stroll with your loved one.
    • WriterKass 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The plaza colon has a historic type of beauty. The buildings surrounding the square and the local area are beautiful to look at, with old architectural detail and bright colors. The manicured trees that line up the sidewalks are quirky and the free standing coffee stand add modern charm. However, the town seems dead. My husband and I noticed the lack of people wherever we went and initially thought it was just an early closing town. After talking to our family there we learned that a lack of jobs moved many out of the town and that's lead to it becoming somewhat shut down. I thought Mayaguez and the plaza were beautiful and historic. I loved looking at the buildings, the theater, the trolleys and greenery. I really hope more people come around here because it has a lot to offer and some of the local eateries that have remained are awesome and true to Puerto Rican comfort food. I highly recommend a tour around la plaza colon and the local area.
    • PargueraPirate 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Just some old buildings, a fountain, and a statue of Columbus (Colon). Well described and the history detailed on Wikipedia. During the Christmas season (mid-November to Mid-January) the decorations are spectacular. We always drive through to see them. The plaza is beautiful. They have cleaned up down town and put all the wires underground. Concerts and special events in the plaza are worth attending. However, the tourist value is limited. The difficulty finding it, terrible traffic, and no parking out weigh the fun. If you go any way, sample the Chinese Ice Cream place on the square. Have lunch at the Ricomini Bakery just north of the square (see my reviews).
    • 253rubenc 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This is one of the best Plazas in Puerto Rico. We went one Saturday night last October and enjoyed an outdoor concert. Last Saturday we came back for a Christmas concert. Had a great time, great architecture around while also enjoying a cup ot coffee at Friend's Cafe.
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