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las paylas

  • 景点介绍
  • las paylas
  • 景点印象
    • SurreySlogger 图标 图标 图标 图标

      You can approach Las Paylas, (natural water slide in El Yunque) from 2 angles - it's dangerous and against every health and safety rule in the book or its a liberating, refreshing reminder that nature sometimes gets it right and we can have fun with out it costing an arm and a leg!We were told of las Paylas by our hotel receptionist but i don't think she expected us to find it. With a bit of investigation we found it. The car park marked "Paylas" is the only way you will find it without local knowledge. The elderly gent whose house he offers parking at asks for a mere 5 dollars and offers sound advice on safety which is reassuring. He also keeps a mental note of who is down there and will check if you haven't returned in some time.It's well worth a visit if you have time. There are 2 waterfalls. The first is the smaller and easier one to negotiate although my girlfriend did suffer a bruise on her leg.
    • hubleys 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This is a very unpublished attraction. I only learned of it through trip advisor and it was of particular interest because we were traveling with young adults ages 16 - 20. We were looking for a bit of a thrill for them. I am going to be perfectly honest about our experience there. First, I would like to say that it is an amazing experience but not to be taken lightly. This would not be something to take small children to. I will give you the cautions first: I would not do this after a heavy rainfall and I would not do this alone and the rocks are very slippery. While its true that the rocks are smooth going down, they are still rocks that you can bang against. They are not going to gash you, but if not done properly, you can come out with some bruises. The locals will be the greatest benefit to you. They will gladly show you where to enter and also to keep your arms extended with you hands out to kind of guide you down the rocks so you don't get banged up. The locals are amazing on how they have mastered the slide even going down it standing up like riding a surfboard which I would not suggest you try. So overall, this was an amazing experience that even my husband and I tried. But there are some risks that have to be weighed.
    • harrisonb81 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Basically La Playas is a waterfall that you slide down... It is in the rainforest. My experience going there was bad because you have to park at a man's house ($5) but he wasn't there so I couldn't go. Although we saw the slide, and It was beautiful to see.
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