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guajataca forest reserve

  • 景点介绍
  • guajataca forest reserve
  • 景点印象
    • ayalafishpr 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This park was impressive. Very secluded and off the beaten path which we like. Strayed off the path after Cueva de Viento and ended up following trail#4 till we got to road 446 and walked another mile and 1/2 to the car. Thank goodness we packed a hearty lunch, snacks, and water - we needed it! We want to go back and explore more of the trails but can't find much information online. Would love suggestions.
    • msharpe03 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We took paddle boards down the river and hiked to the old tunnels. It's pretty cool in there! Lush and rainforesty and right near the beach.
    • IslaVerde8D 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Warning if you go on this hike and plan to go to the Cueva del Viento, take some powerful flashlights! Our phone flashlights were totally incapable of lighting the huge capacity of the cave!While we were shedding the cold weather in Puerto Rico, the month of January (2014) (we are natives of the island but long time residents in the US) my sister, owner of the only gourmet cheeses made in P.R.(Vaca Negra,,another great activity to do while you visit the island) invited us to spend couple of days in her villa in Isabela. One of the days we were there she invited us to go and hike with her in the Guajataca Forest Reserve. The road to the forest was beautiful, with huge bamboo trees, large ferns hanging over the road, windy curves as I remembered most of the roads being when I lived in the island. Honking the horn was not noise pollution but a necessity since the road in many of the stretches could only accommodate one vehicle. After traveling for about 20 minutes which seemed as an hour, we arrived at the Forestry Register. One of friendly guides, from the Forestry Division met us and explained to us our options in the trail and cautions we needed to heed. We wanted to go to the Cueva del Viento, so we began our climb and descends as we began our hike. It took us (3 of us) around 40 minutes to arrive at the opening of the cave walking slow and admiring the vegetation and the cliffs! Follow the sign or you will end up in the next town! When we arrived at the cave we had to descend through a steep ladder which is in need of repair!, Carefully we kept on descending. The cave is HUGE and magnificent with many stalagmites and stalactites. Our phone flashlight were totally inefficient to explore the cave, so we stayed only where the outside rays of light could illuminate the cave! There were bats and we could see them fly once in a while! The cave is amazing, but take a powerful flashlight. We are planning to return better armed for the experience!
    • 306francescar 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Fresh grapefruit and banana trees, iguanas running around, waterfalls and beautiful scenery. Highly recommended for nature lovers
    • barndoors 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We drove to guajatica forest to walk on the interactive trail. The road into the forest is narrow and winds upwards through forest and quaint neighborhoods. The road is so narrow that it can barely accommodate one lane of traffic let alone the two way traffic it carries. It is important to follow directions and honk as you go around the sharp curves to avoid an accident. Bring water, wear. Good shoes, and remember your flashlight (our cell phone flashlight apps were inadequate). This attraction is a national park and it is free of charge!When we arrived at the beginning of the trail, the information center was closed. We read the map and headed on trail one to the interpretive trail/cave of the wind. After about an hour, we reached a steep set of Wooden stairs that leads down to the cave opening. The trees surrounding it were huge and had roots growing down into the cave. This cave was a wonder. There were 2 large rooms with beautiful rock formations. We were unable to fully explore the inside as our flashlights were not strong enough. Some of the people that were there before us shined their lights on the inner walls for us. This is a natural unlighted place. A treasure! There were restless bats inside and one woman showed us a picture of a scorpion she saw on the cave walls. This place was so cool better than the commercialized rio camuy caves although on a smaller scale and more difficult to get to. On the hike out, we climbed up to an observation tower to view the surrounding hills and valley. This is the karst region so the hills were uniquely shaped an interesting to look at. On the way out, we stopped for lunch at a local restaurant (very good chicken burrito) Highly recommended for a day of adventure off the beaten path.
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