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las cabezas de san juan nature reserve

  • 景点介绍
  • las cabezas de san juan nature reserve
    Comprised of three headlands that extend into the Atlantic ocean, this...
  • 景点印象
    • Mosslady53 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      If you like tours where you can learn about local ecosystems, you must do this tour. I went to the 2pm english speaking tour. Karina was our guide and did a wonderful job explaining things along the way.
    • travelgal058 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      As a tourist over 55+ I was hoping this would be a good way to see the bioluminescent bay. Although I am a kayaker, some of the reviews made me leery to pick that option. The electric boats were all booked weeks in advance and the reviews for here seemed pretty good and I liked the idea of going with a nature conservatory. It was $24 for the night tour with 3 stops. Sadly the weather didn't cooperate with us and it was rainy. They were previously sold out of ponchos in the gift shop which was unfortunate. You travel by trams to the 3 stops. Although we were on an English speaking tour, the guide's accent was so heavy we struggled to understand what he said. The first stop was a light house where they did a power point presentation on light pollution, the bioluminescent bay, and the plankinton that glows when disturbed. The lighthouse was only 2 stories, so there wasn't much of a view. The second stop was the bay. The guide said it was an 8-12 minute walk but it was actually more like 20 minutes. Not a big deal except it was so dark on the boardwalk and it was wet & slippery. The group got split up along the way as people were cautious in the rain & dark, which meant some people missed the turn. My husband got worried so he went back to find them and lead them to the rest of the group. Only due to the fault of nature (the plankinton go deep when it rains) there wasn't much to see. The third stop was a dry forest, which was of course wet and you couldn't see anything in the complete darkness. This should have been a good tour, even using light conservatively. I wondered why they didn't have solar lights periodically on the boardwalk or use flashlights with red lights to help guide the group. They should have a staff member at the end of the group to keep everyone together in the dark. Their guides need to be able to be speak English clearly. The information was good and it seemed like a nice visitor center. I think a tour during the day might be a better choice. I would not say don't go for the night tour, but I would say keep your expectations low.
    • alydar 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This is such an incredible resource for the area, I can't imagine being in the area and not doing this tour, especially if traveling with anyone new to Puerto Rico. We went at night in order to see the Biobay, and reservations are required, so book early if you don't want to get shut out. The tour itself lasts about 2 hours and is a great experience. The view from the lighthouse is amazing, where you also listen to a presentation on the science of the bay and the bioluminescent organisms (I'm a biologist, so I probably enjoyed this part more than most, but still, it was really good!) You then travel down to the biobay and walk along a nice boardwalk where you have sticks to disturb the water and see it light-up. My daughter, age 4, was over the moon about it all. Finally, you go a bit through the forest to the shore, where you look for termites (we saw a giant nest!), copepods, coqui, and maybe even a Puerto Rican boa if you are really lucky. As for a way to see the biobay, this beats the kayaks hands-down. I've found the kayaks to be generally poorly organized. Plus, it is not trivial to paddle in the darkness up a canal against the current without constantly banging into the trees / other kayaks, especially when the canal is filled with multiple kayak tour groups and is, simply, too crowded. There's no way I would have taken my daughter to the biobay via kayak, so I was thrilled to find this as an option.
    • GermanL_12 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Visited Las Cabezas de San Juan on 11/14. Educational tour done at night to observe the nocturnal inhabitants as well as the bioluminescent bay which was one of the most wonderful things to watch. Magnificent experience with excellent tour guide.
    • Joespringfieldillinois 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      If you go to Puerto Rico you must take this tour. It's a Federal Nature Reserve that it is worthwhile. Please make reservations ahead of time. They take you through a tour where they show all nature from the beach level to the top of a mountain with spectacular views. It's definitely breath taking!
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