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the capitolio

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  • the capitolio
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    • StephanieL324 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Interesting story that Havana's capitol building had to be styled like Washington, DC's, but just a bit taller, which it is by 12 feet, we were told. El Capitolio, or National Capitol Building in Havana, was Cuba's capital until after the Cuban Revolution in 1959; it is now the Cuban Academy of Sciences.
    • manunited45 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Truly a major architectural piece that is in the process of being restored hence we could not get in, but if you can you should. Truly glorious similar to house of congress in the USA.
    • davidantonj 图标 图标 图标 图标

      It's been closed for renovations on both our visits (Dec 2013 and Dec 2014).This is a good thing.It means that the building is being cared for and preserved (it seemed a bit out of shape).We still enjoyed it from the outside, and look forward to visiting it again in the future (when it's hopefully finished it's repairs).
    • Aidyh 图标 图标 图标 图标

      When we visited the building was closed for renovation, a lot of scaffolding on the front of it as we'll so hard to get a good look and take a wander around the groundsStill this is a fine example of a building
    • Irenaldo 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Unfortunately, the most monumental building in Havana is closed for restoration. It is taking a while and I keep waiting...
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