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jardin botanico de viñales

  • 景点介绍
  • jardin botanico de viñales
  • 景点印象
    • Dylan65 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We had a guide who really made our little tour worthwhile. We learnt facts about brazil nuts, ebony and bamboo trees. The sausage trees bear huge fruit, enough to knock you out.
    • joelwx39 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We stopped here on our way to the bus station on our last day. The entrance is very simple so you could miss it.Entrance is free but there is an expectation of a small donation at the end. They give you a little bit of fruit at the end of your tour.You are free to walk around. It is quite large. It is cool and quiet.Nothing is labeled, but it is nice to see the variety of plants.
    • 182franr 图标 图标 图标 图标

      it is small and in private hands.lots of plants and flowers in a small area.run by a family and some employees
    • mjhhitchin 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Tucked away on the edge of Vinales, we weren't sure whether it was worth visiting. We were so glad we did. What looked like a jumble of plants in a fairly small garden off the main road turned out to be a most interesting collection of local and other tropical plants, grown both for flowers and fruit, including banana, papaya, cocoa, coffee .... The young guide who took us round was very knowledgeable and pointed out many things we would have missed. We even saw a hummingbird. At the end of the tour you are given a sample of the fruit that grows in the garden. There is no charge, but you are expected to make a contribution, which we were very willing to do. An interesting (and cool in the shade) way to spend an hour or so.
    • bethzys 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This garden is absolutely beautiful: orchids, cocoa tree, flowers, hibiscus, banana tree, papaya, and much much more. We were truly delighted to spend an afternoon at this tropical paradise of fruits and flowers. The original owner was from China, so there were a lot of Chinese tropical species there. We had a wonderful time. The garden was located just few steps to our casa "Villa los ñañes", so it was accesible to us!
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