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playa de jibacoa

  • 景点介绍
  • playa de jibacoa
  • 景点印象
    • 142drews 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This beach offers fantastic snorkeling. The staff also provide Hobiecat boat rides from the Breezes. The windsurfer supplied was a bit of a pig, but still fun.
    • RustyG754 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Beach has some rocky areas, but mostly it is nice fine sand. Long stretch of clear fine sand to west of Breezes- go for a walk.
    • 846brentc 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The people, met a guy, who for $100 Cuban pesos, spent the WHOLE day taking us around the country, eating, drinking, seeing, visiting, what an experience
    • 396JohnL396 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I hailed Gabriel’s Czech cab & struck a deal to take us about 60 km to Jibacoa & wait a couple of hours while we snorkeled. Gabriel is a pleasant guy. First spot we snorkeled, most of the dark spots we had seen from shore were seaweed & not interesting snorkeling. 2nd spot was coral reef right from water’s edge--Too shallow for comfort in some places, but we had a variety of coral & fish to watch close up. I picked through the coral washed up on the beach, Overall, good conditions & a nice, fresh break from the noise & pollution of Havana. We made a deal with Gabriel, to take us to the airport Friday. His phone # is 052733052—for those who want a guide to the closest good snorkeling to Havana.
    • Office-Wizard 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Many people complain of a rocky shoreline but the Playa de Jibacoa has two coves of sandy beaches and although you may have to walk over a few large stones to get into the water (look out for where the local go into the water as they know the less rocky areas) it is well worth it to experience the warm Caribbean sea and watch the masses of fish swimming around your feet.If you have a snorkel and mask you will get an even better view of all there is below the water, including coral and shellfish.
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