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darshan museum

  • 景点介绍
  • darshan museum
    FREE ENTRY TO ALL VISITORS --- Darshan is not really a 'museum' in the...
  • 景点印象
    • shajiMumbai 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Good Spiritual & Visual experience using latest technology.Must Visit, Very near to Pune Railway station. (Near to GPO), 1.30hr free show, every 1hr.from 11am to 7pm Closed on Thursadays. ( Entry for 3 years and above )Very helpful staff.
    • ReshamSamtani 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Places like these make you realize humanity exists and anyone who has been here and comments otherwise is selfless. and god save him. you will only learn about good.loving each one and other qualities and something which has no material value but priceless to take back home. so dont miss out on it
    • 104sanjivp 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      You come to pune and not visit darshan....it should not happen to any visitor... We visited darshan and thought it was just out of this world.... A must visit when going to pune. Technology at its best and wonderful lessons for people of all ages. When you are in darshan you are taken to another world which is mesmerising... It's a life changing experienceIt shows us the life of sadhu t l vaswani simple and how humble life he lived in a very interesting way without being bored fro a second. We salute the team of sadhu vaswani mission who have taken such tremendous efforts to show the life of their beloved guru, founder & mentor.Cannot be explained has to be experienced
    • ShashankA165 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      People here will basically forcefit their ideology and project everything in the way they see the world. It might be god for someone. But, ultimately life is one's own!!Its not a meuseum as such and hence this low rating... Visit it to get enlightened, if you want to!!
    • nareshyogiraj 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The Only Thing In Pune....... So If You Are In Pune Must Go To Darshan Museum Once.................. There Is Nothing So Much Special In Pune Except It. Here You Will Find The Real Path Of Life. It's An Family Place
    • Kdixit2015 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      It is a awesome experience. It gives wonderful experience to the visitors and pass on the message to think about the vision and aim of life. This show is made up of international level technology.
    • TravelWolfie 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Incredible to watched all the stories through technology.Mind blowing use of technology.Visited with my family, worth a visit and we haven't see anything like this before.Real Stories concepts are very clear availble in english and hindi language.Wants to say alot but you should go yourself and see. :)Feel Free to ask #TravelWolfie
    • SLMindiana 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This is not a museum, it is an introduction/recruiting tool of sorts for this "mission". The experience focuses on the life of the leader of this event...and his beliefs. It provides little insight into the group's work or purpose...rather it focuses on the qualities and beliefs of the founder. It is not worth the time to experience and the publicity/info about it is misleading.
    • ashiyanan 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      To have the opportunity to have experienced Darshan was such an incredible life blessing! It brought tears to my eyes! Darshan was an out of body journey, an experience of true love, of God's Love. It was eye opening and inspirational beyond words! I had come from Chicago. Those around me came from far and wide to experience Darshan. One gentleman who I met, had come from Iran to witness Darshan on his quest for spirituality. And not to mention, the technology was better than any thriller, any Disney World could ever imagine! Someone had told me that the technology and effects were like the Porsche Museum in Dubai, except that for materialism and Darshan for spirituality and love!
    • 404pratikd 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      My experience was amazing.The use of advanced technology used in museum gives a great feeling.It feels to be in different world inside. A must watch short and sweet museum. I have been there twice till date and advice all to atleast visit once for memorable experience....! Thank you.
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