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rohtang pass

  • 景点介绍
  • rohtang pass
  • 景点印象
    • voyageurdeInde 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Breathtaking view of the snowy Himalayas. i encountered fresh white snow which is soft and interesting. quad bikes and 4 wheel drive vehicles are available to take you a ride. alternatively one can take a walk. Go with proper precautions like heavy warm cloths, lip balms and moisturizers..
    • Kausar1979 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We had visited Manali 2 years back and the main reason was to visit Rohtang pass. It really gets risky when u go up (although only 4 wheel cars are allowed), as the snow on the road makes the car skid. It takes at least 2 hrs to reach top of the peak and once you are there its heaven. U can c the Laddak border which looks beautiful. Avoid going to Rohtang between July-Sept as snow melts and the mud blocks the way. Lastly, don't forget to enjoy the snow bike ride which is an unforgettable exp.
    • sanjay749 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Rohtang Pass is around 40 km from Manali on Manali-Leh road. Start early from Manali as the the 40 km drive might take 2-3 hours. The drive is scenic and you would enjoy the journey. The road is slightly convoluted but the journey is enjoyable never the less. Beware of the numerous touts/ shopkeepers selling/renting warm clothes, boots for snow, safety equipment etc on the way. Assuming that one would come well prepared to Manali if Rohtang is on the itinerary, you would do just fine with your own resources.On most occasions one can find snow at Rohtang pass. The views of the snow covered mountains are spectacular. Just walk around and absorb the beauty and grandness of the mountains. You might just feel tempted to come back again some day and explore the enigma beyond as the road goes down to mountains on the other side towards Leh.At that height, the air is very thin and oxygen levels are slightly lower so one gets tired very fast. Make sure you take rest after walking small distances so that you don't tire yourself out. Wind also blows at a decent speed at that height. But nothing unmanageable for a normal person.You won't find many options as far as food is concerned. Tea and Maggi might be the safest option. One can spend a few hours at the top just absorbing the views and peace on offer. In the afternoon one can head back to Manali with the memories that would stay with you for long.
    • KKaustubh 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I traveled to rohtang pass in Mid November 2014 with my wife...We hired a royal enfield through a friends recommendation. I feel It is the best thing you can do in manali..Travel on bike to rohtang...Weather was awesome, no snow fall on the road. There were some snow covered peaks in rohtang....Its just 51 Km from rohtang but the journey is superb..Curvy roads, beautiful nature. Absolute must for bikers and road quality is very good thanks to BRO ! You can get small eateries on the way & on top of rohtang pass. Well there is not much to do at the actual spot but you can enjoy the great himalaya and its beauty from top ! Overall great fun ...
    • abuawake 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      A very scenic drive ! you drive through a road which has one of the best views in the world !! its just so amazing to be up in between the mountains that too in your car !! to feel it you have to drive you car there !!
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