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  • 景点介绍
  • 维查雅瓦达古迹
  • 景点印象
    • 407vandanam 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Hampi in a great place for every one who is keen and proud to partake in artistic and cultural treasures left behind by our ancesstors. Do visit the place as you will visit a place of worship or deep devotion so that it retains its proud heritage. you will love the experience.
    • 1kris006 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Walk, ride cycle / bike, sit tight in your car with AC on.. But.. Get out to each site and experience the story unfold.. From erstwhile rulers of Vijayanagara...They have done miracles with rocks and little hand tools...Unique architecture with blend of hindu-muslim-jain cultures.. Experience temples.. Monolithic statues.. Large.. Literally extreme big Single rocks.. Towers of all kinds.. Beautiful sculptures with unique cuts and shapes.. Plan to spend 2 or 3 days for sure.. Save lot of energy for the visit..Enjoy food from local joints.. Largely vegetarian.. Reach through Hospet or Bellary.. Visit Tungabadra reservoir.. Chitradurga fort (another half day, more on that later).Access roads are decent.. Highway till Chitradurga.. And local roads till Vijayanagara.. I loved the 18 feet Ganesha.. And the palace and the Virupaksha temple and the musical pillars and stone radha.. :)Look for appropriate weather and stay..Must visit..
    • Junk1 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This is situated about 320 km from Bangalore, capital of Karnataka state. This was once the capital of almost entire south india. This was a very proserperous kingdom - said to be a golden era in Indian History. The ruins can be seen by walk at best. VIsit during Oct - Feb.
    • 897sambitm 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Hampi steals your heart at the first chance you give to it. The sight is covered with endless rocks, hills and coracles on the Tungabhadra. It’s an easy ride from Hospet, 13 kms.Tips: Take time with you! Although it is difficult to invest time at one place and a rare trend in India, Hampi is totally worth it. One can also volunteer at Hampi Children’s Trust and stay with them devoting morning hours teaching the kids and the rest of the day to consume the essence of the lost Vijayanagara Empire imagining the grandeur of what existed once from the leftover ruins.
    • Bootlemarmot 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      So many people recommended the ruins at Hampi that I was really excited about going here. Although many of them are very impressive, I was disappointed at what an assembly line it felt like. The extremely aggressive Rickshaw driver a and traders (even by Indian standards) made the experience less enjoyable as did the swarms of people. The setting is beautiful and perhaps worth the visit more than the ruins, but if I had my time again, I probably wouldn't bother
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