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corcovado national park

  • 景点介绍
  • corcovado national park
  • 景点印象
    • tashasmr 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Excellent guide. Saw snake, anteater, coati, monkeys, macaus, leaf-cutter ants, trogons, hawks. Fresh water swim to cool down mid-hike. But it was HOT! +35C and humid.
    • leidras 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      be prepared to walk. a lot about 9 hours. was beautiful and we saw many animals. dont expect to see a jungle cat. you probably wont
    • travelbugcub 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      As another commenter so accurately described, "I felt like we were just speeding through the forest to a destination, as opposed to this is the destination (looking around at nature)." Half of the wildlife I saw was due to myself stopping on the trail and noticing it, while the tour guide barrelled on ahead. She did spot some birds and monkeys though that I would have missed. There was, however, little passion in what she was doing and it felt so much like she was rehearsing a routine or completing a chore. Not to mention, she spent the first fifteen minutes standing still telling us the history of the park. Which, yes, can be interesting, but not when you have so little time to explore. I was thankful however that we had only 4 people in our group, while other groups around us had closer to 10. I'd really advise asking around for guides who study wildlife by passion and profession, not simply as a side job.
    • 554MichelleW 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Beautiful setting. Not a difficult hike, fairly flat and easy. We had to walk a very long way (8 kms I believe) before getting away from the previously settled but since reclaimed jungle. We think we could have seen more primary jungle if we had ventured deeper into the park.
    • WanderWoman735 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      It is easier but more expensive to get to the park by boat from Drake Bay. Boat trip takes about 75 minutes each way. It might be rough. It is a long, hot hike from Carate. You must reserve ahead of time. If you go in by boat, you will be with a small group and will see many other groups while hiking. You will have several hours in the morning, or afternoon, or the night tour. There is another way to hike in near Puerto Jimenez, but I didn't do that one. Saw 4 species of monkeys, Tapir, anteater, Laughing Falcon, Great Curassow, Scarlet Macaws, puffbirds, fer-de-lance , lots of crabs and shore birds. You must be with a guide at all times. The bathroom is minimal at the ranger station. No food or services are available. The "rooms" are the size of a closet. Camping is in open air pods.
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