hummingbird gallery

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  • hummingbird gallery
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    • Ingeborg56 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Lots and lots of birds who came for drinks, and some even sit on you hand while drinking. Small, beautiful birds in so many colours.
    • EBPandDSP 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Like you could resist seeing all these hummingbirds anyway! We went twice: once to see the birds and once at night to see the bats. I don't know anything about hummingbirds, but I counted 7 different varieties and took amazing pictures. You can sit on benches and they'll come right to the feeders in front of you. If there's a guide or bird pro around, they'll gladly share their knowledge about what you're seeing. Costa Rica is world famous for birds, so you just can't pass this by.
    • JudithP845 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We observed the hummingbirds at their feeders. They are so close making perfect photo opps. You really get a sense of how rapidly their wings beat . Our guide Donald was instrumental in pointing out the different species.
    • A8244AZpeterm 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      the hummingbirds were so friendly and the guides showed you how to get them to rest on your finger while they drank the hummingbird feeder
    • recyclebydeesign 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      A few hummingbird feeders outside of the Monteverde reserve so really a commercial endeavor. Saw a few varieties but we saw more birds, with more room, in a more natural environment in a better venue at Selvatura (fee for that, however). See my Selvatura review separately.
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