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nosara beach (playa guiones)

  • 景点介绍
  • nosara beach (playa guiones)
  • 景点印象
    • Jibdude 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Jaun and Stephanie were awesome ! Great store Great surf ! Great People !Planing to return when possible !
    • MorganSurf 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Really fun waves, warm water and a pretty good vibe in the lineup. Not much more you can ask for. Consistent swell, easy takeoffs and long open faces at mid and high tide, barrels at low tide. Gorgeous.
    • K2906ZLsamanthas 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The obvious; if you are a surfer, you love this beach. If not, you are bummed that there is NO SHADE whatsoever once the sun comes up. But early mornings, pre-sunrise, are brilliant for a long walk or jog. And sunsets are magnificent as well with the surfers silouteted against the orange sky
    • dianap_nyc 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I stayed nearby at BlueSpirit, and I loved playa Guiones. The surf is perfect for beginners to intermediate as it's a consistent surf. The little town had lots of quaint little shops and delicious healthy food and smoothies. The smoothie shack at Harmony Hotel was delicious too. I will be back again!
    • flashfloodCalgary 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Lovely place with serious crime issue. On my last 2 trips our rental homes were broken into and our belongings were stolen. The first time (nov/2014) immediately following the break-in we pursued in hopes of finding passports ect. in ditch, we actually came across thieves that had our bags and bikes. In the pursuit they shot a gun at my friend (missed thankfully)! The 2nd time(feb/2015) we went for dinner, one of our group returned home immediately (not feeling well) only to stumble across 2 thieves leaving our rental. He pursued one, physical altercation ensued and he recovered 2 bags, but the other thief escaped with most of our important belongings. If visiting you need to take serious precautions! We tried....our safe was pried open, our friends safe was pried off the cement floor and taken. Take valuables in back pack out at night, separate passport from any money. Good Luck!
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