当前位置: 首页 >目的地 >中美洲 >哥斯达黎加 >圣何塞 >萨瓦纳公园


  • 景点介绍
  • 萨瓦纳公园
  • 景点印象
    • JeyM_12 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Safe and quiet. Beautiful park with a marked walking path. Has a nice pond. The national soccer stadium occupies one side and could get crowded
    • JulioP569 图标 图标 图标 图标

      First of all if you ever wanted to travel to a place and do what locals do or see what locals do, look no further, basically they have aerobics classes on the weekends for free dancing to spanish beats and good music, burning calories and having fun, people of all ages come here, kids rollerblading, families walking their dogs, friends gathered together enjoying a picnic, people playing soccer, is a huge green are in the heart of san jose,they sell snacks and drinks throughout the park and even smooth refreshing coconut water for a couple of dollars, they just cut the top of the coconut and give you a straw and there you go, a nice drink that most people enjoy, they have ice creams and fruits for sale if that is what you want, a good fun and SAFE atmosphere, you can do people watching as well, but most people are actively engaged in their own activities that they won't even notice, a good place to spent with family and friends, free of charge but please clean up after yourself, to keep good places like this one serviceable for generations to come.
    • corina0210 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This is quite a normal park, nothing really special. I wouldn't really make a trip to see it, but it can be a good walk if you happen to be in the area. Loads of squirrels to see.
    • binkie 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Just a few blocks from the city is Parque La Sabana which was a great relief from the city centre congestion, huge stadium in one corner attracted hundreds of football fans on the day I visited. Police on bikes everywhere, great to walk around the large lake and watch the swimmers and the very healthy joggers Places to have a picnic and take the family.
    • mkfawcett 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Lovely green space in the middle of busy downtown San Jose to stroll and admire the lake and trees. Picnic areas and paddle boats available. Mounted policia on patrol who posed for pictures for me. Most fun was renting a little Palomino for 3K colones ($6) from a man who spoke no English and turned me loose to ride the park as I pleased with a simple hackamore. Instead of being a plodder the mare was lively, responsive and sure footed.
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