sarapiqui river

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  • sarapiqui river
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    • heyjudithz 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The Rio Sarapiqui reminds me of the lovely rushing streams of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
    • BazAlk 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      During the second week of August, I travelled to Costa Rica. My mom (56) and I decided (29) decided to do some White Water Rafting. We have NEVER done this before. We went to the Sarapique River which is a hour and a half away from Arenal. We used Desafio for our WWR tour and our tour guide was Frank - our guide was absolutely fantastic and super patient (considering my mother and I were completely out of sync). It was an AMAZING experience – Rapid Class of III and IV. We learned a lot about the history of this area. It was interesting to learn about the earth quake that happened and how it helped to change the flow of the river. Also, I was surprised to learn that it was indeed a dam and that the dam opens at 10AM each day. It was quite fascinating. This is an absolute must if you visit Costa Rica
    • yichuand 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We book this boat trip with Grey line and I feel fortunate to get this trip, which has not usually appeared in other tour company's recommendation list --- which is unfortunate. The trip is on the boat, it is very safe and not challenge (my mother feels very easy and happy). We see a lot of animals, including crocodile, cayman, lizard, monkeys, which is unique in Costa Rica. I will highly recommend this place, which seems not been well advertised yet.
    • bling69 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We took a one day trip from Rainforest Adventures. Drove to, and took the 11/2 aerial cabin ride through the rainforest, outbound on the forest floor level, back at tree top level.A true lifetime experience! Had lunch nearby and met the monkeys close up. Then we took the gentle boat ride up and down the river. We saw birds , iguanas etc. Highly recommend
    • Travelers1214 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We went white water rafting on the Sarapiquí River--class III and IV rapids. Amazing river, and I thought it would be much more "treaturous" than it was. The water level was a bit low--but we had a good group of 'paddlers', so it worked out great, and no one fell out of the raft! Great rush--highly recommended on a beautifull sunny day.
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