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center for tropical agricultural research and education (catie)

  • 景点介绍
  • center for tropical agricultural research and education (catie)
  • 景点印象
    • lovetotravel33176 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      You can stroll through the acres and acres of fruiting trees and flowers and orchids and learn about the research that impacts our world related to agriculture. Highly recommended if you are interested in the Botanical world.
    • R_S_10000 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I visited CATIE to explore the botanical gardens and also to see the library. The only weak point is that I think the $10 admission for foreigners is a bit steep. I enjoyed walking in the botanical gardens, through the research farm, and onto the main campus of CATIE. It is a very peaceful and quiet place.You will see a wide variety of tropical trees and heliconias....but unfortunately there is not a specialized orchid nursery. There are extensive demonstration plots of tropical crops ranging from palms to plantains! For example, there are Ethiopian coffee varieties that have superior resistance to plant diseases such as the "roya" that is attacking Central American coffee.I saw some displays of plants adapted to various biogeographic zones, but did not see extensive demonstrations of organic gardening techniques such as companion planting, organic pest and insect controls (example: garlic-hot pepper-onion mixture for insect control). It would be nice to see a butterfly garden and a demonstration multi-species organic garden.One good thing that CATIE offers is a seed bank. If you are living in Costa Rica and want to grow your own food or sell vegetables at the Ferias, consider CATIE'S seed bank for unique varieties! I may have missed some things, as my time was a bit limited.The library is of strong interest to researchers in tropical agriculture. Unfortunately, there is no a/c and since Turrialba is in the humid low cloud forest zone, some of the books have developed a mildew problem after years of storage in sultry humid air. This may pose a problem for those with allergy problems.Overall, CATIE is a very interesting place to visit although those who are interested in tropical organic gardening or orchid culture may not find everything in which they are interested.
    • dalan1524 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      What an amazing place to visit. For $10 you can tour around the lake and Botanical Gardens. We photographed many species of herons including the Boat Billed heron also Jacana, Gallinule and many other species of birds in the surrounding plantations on a short drive between the lake area and Botanical gardens. Easy flat walking or drive round. Shop and WC facilities in the Botanical gardens.
    • kiwithebird 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The guides have amazing knowledge of the tropical plants and you get to sample seasonal exotic fruit, veges and spices. I have been a few times and each time learn something new. Even if you are not into botany you will still find this a very interesting tour. You must take a guide or you will not have the same experience.
    • Justjana 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Its been a few years since I last visited the gardens.I forgot how lush and beautiful they are!This time of year is excellent as there is plenty of fruits & flowers for pictures, the Botanical Garden has a dislay table that you can see & touch the specimens!The guides are super friendly and informative and obviously love their job!The history of the gardens is impressive and the speciens from all over the tropics too!Recomended for birders and botanists!
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