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la fortuna waterfall

  • 景点介绍
  • la fortuna waterfall
  • 景点印象
    • rhiaus 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Through Desafio adventures, we booked a horseback riding tour to reach La Fortuna waterfall. The horseback riding was great and the horses were very well trained and capable of handling riders of varying experience levels. After reaching the change rooms, there is a hike down to the base of the waterfall which consists of about 250 steps. As mentioned by some other reviewers, the steps are not in the best of condition and this would not be recommended for anyone with any type of physical limitations. Once at the bottom, you have the option of swimming. The current is quite strong at some points and it is recommended that those with children listen to the advice of their guides as to where to safely swim. The waterfall itself is very beautiful and worth the trek down. After the swim, the long trek up awaits, but the horses have had plenty of time to rest by this time and happily carry you back the rest of the way. On the way back, you stop at an Indigenous tent where they teach you a little about Maleku culture, but honestly I think it is a bit of an overpriced souvenir shop in a tent. Make sure that to do this adventure, you where shoes that you would not mind getting muddy. I would recommend this tour but be careful on the hike portion. Take your time and watch the terrain.
    • Indigosands 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Beautiful views ! It's 600 steps down and 600 back up . And well worth the strain on our legs... People swam at the waterfall but we just put our toes in - pretty cold!! Had a nice lunch at the little restaurant wih awesome service.
    • LewisCalgary 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Beautiful walk. Up and down stairs, but fairly short so it's not too tough. We were here about 45 minutes.
    • 628ashleyc 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I have always wanted to see a waterfall and this place was perfect with perfect views! Before going I read the concerning reviews about the hike to the waterfall. I personally thought the hike going down was harder than coming up-just make sure you wear supportive shoes. Hiking boots are a good idea too. Make sure you bring your bug spray with you too! There are many resting spots along the way for a break. There are also some pretty amazing stops for picture taking. The waterfall is absolutely beautiful and well worth the time, money, and effort!
    • 871leahj 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Pretty cool waterfall but because the current is so strong at the bottom, its difficult to swim under. Nice sight but we only really enjoyed it for 15 minutes before heading back. A lot of people too!
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