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moho chocolate

  • 景点介绍
  • moho chocolate
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    • SeeAmyGo 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I was really impressed with all the different flavors they offered at Moho. We ended up spending more here than any other shop on our entire trip. We ate a brownie in the café and took home 5 chocolate bars as souvenirs. They even have chocolate soaps and scrubs. A guy that worked there went into the factory part and got me some samples (try the milk chocolate-lime-salt one. It is the best in my opinion.) Too bad we were full. There was a lady making homemade ice cream sandwiches that looked amazing.
    • 200mariaelenac 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This small shop and chocolate factory is a gem. You can watch them making chocolate from the cacao beans they grow down south . You can taste samples , learn about how cacao growns and finally you can buy a couple of delicious high quality chocolate bars. I found this about the only thing worth bringing back from Belize. A real authentic product! No charge to get in.
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