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  • 景点介绍
  • 帝王谷
      在尼罗河西岸的山谷中,集中了古埃及新王国时期第十八、十九、二十王朝(公元前1567-前1085年)期间国王和王室成员的陵墓,这就是世界著名的埃及帝王谷。  帝王谷陵墓不规则地分布在山谷之中,墓穴依山开凿,入口往往开在山腰,以防止盗墓者的破坏。沿陡坡台阶下行,过狭长的通道,经过前厅,通向安放棺椁的墓室深处,第十八王朝的陵墓形式的特点是,前厅和墓室成直角,而到了十九王朝后,大多成了直线式,穿过前厅就是墓室。  帝王谷共有60多座帝王陵墓,埋葬着第17王朝到第20王朝期间的64位法老。巨大的岩石洞被挖成地下宫殿,墙壁和天花板布满壁画,装饰华丽,令人难以想象。
  • 景点印象
    • MargaretL205 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We visited three and paid extra to see the small one of King Tut'Amazing and interesting wall and ceiling decorations. King Tut looked a little worse for wear but does give you an idea of mummification. How they managed to get all his treasures into such a small place (seen at the museum in Cairo) is beyond comprehension. The tomb was originally made for his priest hence the small size.They were no expecting him to die so early.
    • Hpmicks 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Truly an ancient and impressive site! Amazing how they carved these magnificent tombs out of the rock. Be sure to either do your homework about the tombs before coming or bring a guide with you.A bit disappointed that only a few tombs are open. The rest either under renovation or cost an additional fee.No cameras allowed. I understand not allowing pictures in the tombs in order preserve the decoration and colors but not sure why you can't take pictures of the exterior. Might have something to do with wanting to sell packets of pictures.
    • 354aland 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      You are rushed around this famous valley, not allowed to take any photos and whilst the tombs are impressively decorated and carved out of the hillsides, the overall experience is disappointing.
    • billyjimbob 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Fantastic insight into the Tombs of the Kings of Egypt. Its a bit "pot luck" as to what tombs will be open...I have been 5 times and never seen the same tombs open....but whatever you see will be impressive. It is hard to fathom how much time and effort must have been spent over literally hundreds of years.Luxor (Thebes),the West Bank are all very quiet since the recent Revolutions and we took advantage of early starts at 6.00am to do our sightseeing and be the ONLY people in the Valley for the first half an hour or so of our visit.....it was truly an amazing time.There is nothing to fear about visiting Luxor and if anything it could be the best time to go.
    • Tazness 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This place is amazing and you cant help being impressed with the craftmanship, the tombs are amazing and if you have a good guide they can bring the whole history to life.
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