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  • 景点介绍
  • 秦岭
  • 景点印象
    • 我就是化石 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

    • 747debb 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      My sister and I were driven through the Qinling Mountains by jeep by our intrepid " body guard, driver and guide", Rocky, as part of a day trip out of Xian. The new toll road soon turns into a single lane, winding switchback as you ascend surprisingly high into real mountains, with lovely crags, waterfall, farmlets, and spectacular views. Highlight is when the road is a 2 metre wide track on a spine between two peaks, either side is a pretty sharp drop. Also the thrill of imminent head-ons with traffic going the other way around blind corners - mainly Mr Beanesque three wheel trucks with impossible loads (like a ton of bricks being hauled up to a farm). We just about ran a motorcycle off the side in one such encounter. Charmingly, fellow sightseeers (locals from Xian) were keen to include two middle aged foreign women in their photographs. If you don't enjoy a slight risk of injury or death, and are afraid of heights, you will not like this attraction. Otherwise, it will be one of the highlights of your trip to Xian!
    • florianc711 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Un très bel endroit fait pour la randonnée!! Très agréable au centre de la nature! Un gros point faible est le passage régulier de voitures ainsi que le grand nombre de déchet. Inadmissible!
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