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  • 景点介绍
  • 镇江南山风景区
  • 景点印象
    • come_on_妞 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      概括来说有轩,有墓,有庙,有亭,有泉,有岩,还有孔雀与天鹅,对面的黄鹤山,有米芾墓,山顶有一仿古小楼,免费的。 整个山比较大,风景比较好,比较安静,和伴侣去很不错,可以拍拍照片,很休闲的度过一天
    • knowmoon 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      记得小时候去玩过, 离开镇江市区不远. 现在修好的路很漂亮, 曲径通幽地探入南山深处. 一部分是原来的招隐寺等景区,安静葱郁古朴. 再里面满山的绿里,很多农家烧烤掩映在田边, 溪边, 竹林边. 很是热闹. 感觉这南山既是喜静寻幽的老人,又是时尚爱玩的少年. 这么片真山真水,历史悠久的大氧吧. 真是符合这个山林城市的称呼.
    • 安持 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

    • rkx 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      那边的风景听说不错,准备去看看。不知道南山那边除了风景没意外 还有其他什么好玩的景点呢,呵呵。希望这次的去的时候玩的开心
    • Rizzy333 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      "Walking towards the south of downtown in Zhenjiang, a fairy park gonna appear right front your eyes".My chinese friend Steve told me."So why people call it Forest Park" ? "Oh, mainly because various types of trees take over the land ". Steve distained for my question. Nanshan Scenic Reosrt is indeed a fresh and clean cite. U may see many weird moutains surrounded,green trees glooming and all kinds of birds and fowls. After been through six dynasties, ancient scholars chose to live there and left precious articles and archaeologies for the next generations. A famous artist Mifu named the place "A city of moutains and forests ". That's why the scenic reosrt is like a picture. U will never feel its charm till u find it.
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