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      我麻麻要我穿这鞋去亭林公园左脚后脚跟有点磨破了@feifei媽媽高三了 我在#苏州昆山亭林园#
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    • caNewHampshire 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We went to Tinglin park with our son and daughter in law. We were the only westerners in the park which did lead to many stares from young children. The park is large, gorgeous and a beautiful place to spend a few hours. There's a hill to climb which gives views over the city, food vendors, pretty pavilions, lots of spots to sit and enjoy the view etc. The toilets were not clean though so you have to be able to stand dirty squatty toilets but that inconvenience was worth it to go to a place not filled with tour buses.
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