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  • 景点介绍
  • 亭林公园
    亭林园,在昆山市玉山镇老城西北隅,是昆山历史悠久的名胜。建于清光绪三十二年( 1906 年),全园总面积为 700 余亩(47 公顷 )。当时称“马鞍山公园”, 1936 年为纪念爱国主义学者、思想家顾炎武,更名为“亭林公园”, 2000 年改为“昆山亭林园”。 2005 年,亭林园被评定为“国家 AAAA 级旅游景区”。党和国家领导人江泽民、李瑞环、贾庆林等先后前来视察,都给予了很高的评价。交通
  • 景点印象
    • LeeWor 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This is just a few blocks from our hotel, Tonino Lamborghini. It provides a scenic location for a brisk walk. There is a hill in the middle of the park, which provides a great overlook of the city. There are gardens, a small and little used amusement park, a zoo and an opera museum. There is a small lake and several canals. I enjoyed the opportunity to stretch my legs in a scenic and uncrowded location. For two people, the admission charge was 40 RNB.
    • LeniandBob 图标 图标 图标 图标

      While my husband was working one day I decided to be brave and take a taxi to visit the garden. Being spring time everything was lush green and the flowers were budding. Locals gather together to play their chinese violins and sing, elders sit playing games, and children play soccer. A nice day to see locals in a beautiful setting. The military made a surprise appearance as they were filming sometime for perhaps the April 4th Cleaning of the Graves holiday, and that was a little unsettling as no one spoke the language. But overall I felt safe walking alone by myself. There is an amusement park for children that looked a little dated to me. Then as you go through there is a zoo; I would skip that part if you don't like seeing animals who look exceptionally uphappy to be locked up and don't enjoy unkept odors....
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