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  • 景点介绍
  • 清名桥
  • 景点印象
    • Y8808JGdavidt 图标 图标 图标 图标

      A really nice area to stroll with your friends after dining in Wuxi.Heaps of shops alive with interesting wares.A pleasant insight into what old China looked like.
    • camsean 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Qingming Bridge is located at the end of a kilometre-long stretch of old shops, warehouses, bridges and homes that have now been restored. Running from the Nanchang Temple to the old stone Qingming Bridge, this area is a gentrified neighborhood with stone paving and wooden facades, all set along attractive, stone-lined canals. This area is a reminder that modern Wuxi, now a metropolis of over 4 million people, started life thousands of years ago as a canal town.None of these buildings date from Wuxi's deep past. The oldest of them date back a century or two. Some of the buildings have been too liberally restored with concrete as well, slightly detracting from their authenticity, but overall the restoration of the area is to be applauded. It gives a little soul to this modern industrial city. You can wander through here, stopping at one of the numerous cafes and restaurants, trying local Wuxi delicacies or maybe just a cup of coffee. The top half of the area near the temple seemed much livelier than the bridge end during our visit.
    • CY_Chung 图标 图标 图标 图标

      As part of the tour group, we were dropped off in the area in the late afternoon. and all the restaurants and bars were closed. There is hardly any shops selling any tourist stuff. What a disappointment and it was extremely hot during the summer months, as there is hardly any trees in the main street, called Canal walk - Wuxi, which is closed off to traffic. Don't waste your time during the day time, maybe during the evening the area will be more lively!
    • MollyB180 图标 图标 图标 图标

      My kids and I took the boat tour, which you pay for and catch near the entrance to Nanchan Temple. The ancient canal has many lovely bridges, including the famous Qingming; it was a beautiful way to spend the afternoon and I have spectacular photographs (I sat outside at the front of the boat while the kids sat inside with the air conditioning). We stopped at the Kiln Museum which we all loved.
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